Alan Marder
2 min readJan 22, 2021

OK now. We have just been through 4 years of lies by the Republicans. Covid is a democratic hoax. A stolen election. Democrats eating babies. This is the best economy and jobs market ever. And on and on. Guess what, it did not work.

So where do they go from here? One day after Biden is sworn in as President a QAnon Representative filed for impeachment. Not even 24 hours after the inauguration. Next up, the Republicans are saying the democrats are trying to exterminate the Republican party. And now the internal scoop is that gas will be at $4.00+ a gallon in a few months.

Whoa why would they say that? Shall we be honest? OK then. 1) Biden stopped the Pipeline on Indian Lands. 2) He temporarily stopped oil leases on federal land. Did you know the oil companies all decided not to participate in the oil leases in Alaska Refuge a couple of weeks ago? Hmmmm? Maybe the energy sector is afraid of an honest look at our policies. And the Republicans need to rile up the base.

You would think that the rank-and-file Republicans would have figured out that they have been played. But no. One of them on FB claims that gas will be at $4.00 soon. So, I suppose he does not know there is a glut of oil worldwide. That gas is commodity priced. In other words, supply and demand. And finally, due to Covid there has been a drastic drop in demand for gas on a worldwide basis. There has been a verifiable consequence of this. The air has cleared up worldwide due to a drop in auto emissions.

It is totally unbelievable that the Republicans just drop the old lies and then just move on to the next set of lies. There is always going to be a group of simple people who will swallow this crap. However, more and more Republicans are realizing they have been played and will be moving into the independent or democratic column. If you doubt this just look to Georgia. They voted for 2 new Democratic Senators in GEORGIA.

